Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Newsletter, June 2023
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Ediția aceasta include informații despre:
- MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023:
- Commission opens €434.8 million call for Doctoral Networks
- Information Session: MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023
- Doctoral Networks 2023: 6 steps to prepare your application
- MSCA and Citizens
- Opening soon: MSCA and Citizens 2023 call
- MSCA and Citizens 2023: 6 steps to prepare your application
- MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023:
- Commission opens €260 million call for Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023: 6 steps to prepare your application
- MSCA News:
- MSCA Staff Exchanges: €77.5 million for international research cooperation projects
- Other funding opportunities:
- European Innovation Council Transition Challenges call – opportunities for MSCA projects in 2023
- Preparatory Action: European Fellowship Scheme for Researchers at Risk
- Applications open for 2023 EU Product Safety Award
- Events:
- 20 June: Register now: Second Science Policy Matchmaking event
- 27 June: MSCA at the 2nd Education and Innovation Summit
- DDL 30 June: Apply now: Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Science-Policy pitch competition
- Resources and others:
- MSCA matchmaking platform: Find partners and prepare a successful MSCA proposal
- New MSCA Policy Briefs on the European Green Deal available
- Discover the EU Citizen Science platform
- MSCA stories:
- Dr. Martin Schepelmann: the MSCA programme has helped me build a life-long skillset
- An innovative MSCA project fights plastic pollution
Mult succes!
Cu stima,
Assist. Prof. Corina BARNA, PhD