Stimati colegi,
În data de 30 mai 2023 s-a lansat apelul Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks: Doctoral Networks call 2023:
Data limita pentru depunerea cererilor de finanțare: 28 noiembrie 2023.
Pasi pentru pregatirea aplicatiei:
Webinar organizat de Comisia Europeană despre acest apel: MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023 online information day that we will be organising on 14 June 2023:
Webinar organizat de UEFISCDI: 15 Iunie 2023, în intervalul 10.00-12.00, la sesiunea online de recunoaștere a succesului obținut de România în programul Acţiunile Marie Skłodowska-Curie din Orizont Europa, ”Succes la Orizont! MSCA” instrumentele Doctoral Networks (DN) și Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF), cu participarea reprezentanților Comisiei Europene:
Tipuri de proiecte (EN):
Three types of networks Doctoral Networks offer three funding modalities to set up doctoral programmes, with specific incentives for Industrial and Joint Doctoral Networks.
Standard Doctoral Networks promote international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral cooperation to train PhD candidates in various scientific areas, with a focus on promoting entrepreneurial mind-sets, research-related and transferable skills and long-term career prospects within and outside academia.
Industrial Doctoral Networks train PhD candidates and develop their skills outside academia, including in industry and business. Doctoral candidates also benefit from joint industry-academia supervision. These programmes foster the close cooperation between the academic and non-academic worlds and are ideal catalysts for technology transfer and for nurturing innovation.
Joint Doctoral Networks train PhD candidates through integrated programmes leading to joint or multiple doctoral degrees. These programmes promote structuring collaboration among institutions and are required to establish joint operational procedures for recruitment, admission, supervision and evaluation of doctoral candidates.
European Commission
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Directorate C – Innovation, Digital Education and International Cooperation
Unit C.2 –Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Facebook: Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
Twitter: @MSCActions
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